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Oxbow Western Timothy Hay

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1. Obtain a valid prescription from your vet

2. Upload your prescription when you place your order, alternatively you can post or email it to us. In some cases, such as for controlled drugs (e.g. Epiphen), we require the original prescription to be posted to us.

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Prescription required

Product Code: G6617
An all-natural hay made with nutritious, sweet-smelling grass. With high quality nutrition and a fresh fragrance that's irresistible to small herbivores.
From: £15.33
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Oxbow - Western Timothy Hay

Oxbow Western Timothy grass hay with high-fibre, low-protein and low-calcium content, helps keep the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits and small herbivores functioning properly.

Western Timothy hay will help prevent obesity, maintain a healthy urinary system and improve overall health.

A high-fibre diet will also lower the incidence of soft stools, intestinal gas and bloating.

Timothy hay is the most widely recommended hay by veterinarians for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and other herbivores. It's fresh fragrance encourages your small pet to eat it.

Hay is absolutely vital to the health of small herbivores. It provides not only nutrition, but environmental enrichment that mimics the animal's natural habitat. Western Timothy provides a long-strand fibre source that is needed to improve the digestive and intestinal function by stimulating the digestive system.

Feeding animals free-choice hay promotes a natural chewing behavior and helps prevent molar spurs and other teeth problems so common in these small herbivores. 

Feeding Directions:

Growing Animals: Unlimited amounts

Mature Animals: Unlimited amounts

Western Timothy hay can be fed free-choice to rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, prairie dogs and other herbivores as an alternative to oat hay, brome and orchard grass.

Free-choice means that the feed is available at all times. If they finish what you give them, you need to give them more!

Hay should be used not only for nutritional purposes, but for mental stimulation and the promotion of natural foraging behavior.

Try feeding hay in new and inventive ways to increase consumption:

  • Rabbits like to eat hay in their litter box
  • Fill a cardboard tube, basket or animal-safe toy with hay and place it in your pets favorite spot
  • Put a layer of hay on the bottom of the cage and hide food/treats in the hay for foraging
  • Put hay everywhere: the hutch, the corner, behind the couch, etc.
  • Tickle your pet with strands of hay - they may take a bite and realize how tasty it is

How much do I feed daily?

It should be fed free choice daily. That means the hay is available at all times. 75% of a small herbivores diet should be hay.
