Feliway Friends Refills
Feliway Friends Refills
Feliway Friends is clinically proven to reduce conflicts and tensions between household cats and belongs to the range of Feliway cat behavioural products. It is a synthetic copy of the cat appeasing pheromone (CAP), naturally produced by the mother after giving birth to help create a bond between her kittens.
Signs of conflict and aggression between our cats can include fighting, staring/stalking at each other, hissing, growling, spitting and blocking each other. There can also be less visible signs such as fleeing from housemate cats, one cat remaining hidden or avoidance in response to housemate cat.
Feliway Friends Refills are available in single packs or packs of 3.
Directions for use:
Refill must be used with a Feliway diffuser.
The duration of each refill is approximately 30 days (48ml).
It covers an area up to 70m².
Avoid plugging the diffuser under a shelf, behind doors or furniture as it will not work properly.