Feliway Classic Spray
Feliway Classic Spray - Temporary Calming for Cats
The Feliway Classic Spray Temporary Calming for Cats has been developed from the feline facial pheromone, a natural pheromone a cat releases when they rub up against something to mark an area as safe and secure.
It produces a scent that is odourless to humans and other animals, but gives cats a feeling of peace and calm.
It is highly effective in situations that your cat may find stressful such as:
Having guests in your home
Moving home
Stays in a cattery
A new baby
A new pet
You should carefully read all product packaging and labels prior to use.
If your cat is scratching furniture, simply shake the bottle and spray Feliway once a day on the object. Use for at least 30 days.
Use Feliway Spray in the cat carrier to help comfort your cat on stressful car journeys or when going to the vet. Simply shake the bottle and spray the carrier, 15 minutes before you need to put your cat in the carrier.
Always wait about 15 minutes before letting your cat near any sprayed areas.